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With Dave O’Neill, CEO & Co-Founder,
APImetrics/API Context

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Who is API Context?
API Context is an advanced synthetic API testing platform for monitoring API performance, service level objectives (SLOs), and conformance of critical APIs in real-time. API Context was formed through a merger of APImetrics and Context in 2023.


APImetrics, a scale-up company, has an API monitoring product that has helped many customers identify issues with their APIs, which in turn helps them reduce downtime, increase performance, and fulfill SLAs. APImetrics wanted to create a stronger self-service entry point for their product, to get more developers trying, and to create less hands-on support for the APIMetrics team.


In trials, they identified that a large percentage of users don’t get to ‘hello world,” and the ones that do experienced auth issues or were unable to schedule API calls. Many developers were dropping off during their evaluation of APImetrics, resulting in lost sales. They needed help to identify the friction to ensure developers could achieve a successful build, and to strengthen the sales pipeline for APImetrics.


Why API Metrics Chose DevRel.Agency
In David's words:
"We had been in the weeds building our product and scaling up the company. We needed an outside perspective to see the friction in our developers’ journey. In addition to identifying what needed to be fixed, we needed someone to provide some insight on how best to fix it. Because our relationship with the principals of DevRel Agency went back over a decade, we were confident they could help us.



Two developers started the assignment to create a ‘hello world’ with the APImetrics API monitoring product, creating a sequence of calls to authenticated endpoints. Following the friction audit, which generated over 100 pages of observations, we identified good-to-critical issues and offered prioritized tactical recommendations to alleviate the consequences. Finally, we gave specific strategic recommendations for APImetrics focusing on personas, pricing, self-service time frame, and identifying a suitable hello world.


In David's words:
It was amazing to understand what was blocking users and the unexpected places where they got stalled and couldn’t move forward. The process helped us understand the actual user journey that we needed to focus on and where to spend resources on the onboarding process. It’s opened up a set of new directions for us regarding the product, not just for onboarding but also for our operations where we had a 25% increase in new users successfully setting up their first API calls.

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