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Coaching & Strategic Advisory Services. 

Benefit from independent, honest, and confidential expert support as you need it.


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You may be thinking about launching a new Developer Relations Program, have just started in a Developer Relations Leadership role, or are looking to re-boot an existing Developer Relations Program to drive better performance.

How do you Build a High Performance Developer Program?


As your developer program grows, you will have increased authority, credibility, and impact, along with increased budgets and complexities. Appreciating these influences and understanding the stage of your program can help you move your program towards maturity and overall increased impact on your organization.

As you build your confidence and your team, we can help through:


If you could benefit from a check-in with an expert for an honest, independent, and confidential perspective on the challenges you face with your Developer Relations program, our coaching program could be for you.  For each one-hour session, we deep dive into a particular Developer Relations topic of your choice or bring a problem you want to work through. These coaching sessions are super flexible, starting with single sessions or a regular recurring spot.


Advisory Services

You can start with coaching and then decide you want a deeper engagement to support you and your team. It’s always better when you feel comfortable with the people providing support. At this point, we may collectively agree that you will benefit from one of our Developer Relations Workshops, a Developer Experience Audit, a Developer Content Strategy, or something bespoke to your organization.


Our goal will be to provide you with the knowledge and tools to lead and grow your own high performance Developer Program, one which is structured, resourced, measured, focused, and aligned.

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What’s next?


Get in touch with us to set up an initial discovery meeting.


To help you prepare, below is the structure we like to follow and the questions we typically ask to learn more about you and your context during our meeting:

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A High Performance Developer Program is:

Focus using our Segmentation & Persona Canvases to help you target the most appropriate developers for your program.

Measure your program by identifying program and activity metrics that matter.

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Structure your program using our our Developer Relations Framework and Developer Journey Map for guidance.

Resource your program with in-house talent and on demand expert support from DevRel.Agency

Align on corporate & program goals, and establish a clear understanding of Developers and DevRel within your stakeholder group.

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Getting to know you & your company


  • What is your role?

  • What does your company do? 

  • Are you Developer First or Developer Plus?

  • What developer products or services do you offer? (now or in the future)

  • Who are your competitors?

Your Developer Relations context


  • How much experience does your company have with DevRel?

  • Do you have an existing program?

  • If so, how is it performing, and is it meeting expectations?

  • Are you planning to launch a DevRel program?

  • If so, what are your goals?

  • Who is your target developer audience?

  • What budget do you have for your DevRel investment?

Your DevRel Team


Do you have an existing team in place? If yes:

  • How is the team structured?     

  • What is the reporting line?

  • How is cross team communication & collaboration?

  • People budget?


Do you have an existing team in place? If no:

  • What are your plan and timing?

  • Do you have job ads written/made public?

  • People budget?

Your Strategic Alignment


  • Is the C suite/board aligned on the need/importance of Developer Relations?

  • Is there clarity on the goals and objectives for a DevRel investment?

  • Is the company culture conducive to supporting a successful DevRel investment?

What challenge are you trying to solve?


  • In essence, why did you reach out?

To discuss how we can help you grow your Developer Program, get in touch.

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Contact Us

Name *

Company *

Email *

Your Message

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